Endeavor Bulgaria Celebrates Its 5th Anniversary

Reflecting upon the 5 years since we have launched our journey, we have welcomed 70+ entrepreneurs, leading 40+ companies in three programs – Endeavor’s Core Program, our Local Support Program and Dare to Scale Growth Program! These entrepreneurs have generated $150M+ revenue and created 1700+ jobs. In our servicing process, we have facilitated 800+ hrs. in mentoring sessions, made 120+ introductions and built networking opportunities with more than 60 events organized.
Throughout these years, we have been blessed not only to work side by side with incredible entrepreneurs, but also to host Endeavor’s 75 International Selection Panel, conveying international investors and high-profile entrepreneurs in Sofia, and to launch our rocking Dare to Scale Growth Program! Moreover, we have been fortunate to announce two exits in our network (BGmenu by the Dutch Takeaway and Prospecto by the German Offerista Group), to welcome an entirely women-led company (BY FAR) and to support investment rounds (Tiger Technology and Softgroup).
None of these would have been possible without our incredible network who truly embody the Launch-Scale-Giveback spirit. Thank you to our astounding Board of Directors for believing in the Endeavor idea five years ago and for their continuous support, to our invaluable Mentors who are playing a crucial part in guiding the entrepreneurs throughout their journey, and to our amazing Entrepreneurs – for building the entrepreneurial landscape in Bulgaria with their boldness and innovativeness!
Here’s to the next 5 when we truly believe we will see the first Bulgarian unicorn!