Meet the 2023 Dare to Scale Cohort – Coherent Labs
Let’s rewind the clock to the beginning. How did your company come to life? Was it a eureka moment, a late-night brainstorming session, or a happy accident?
The four of us worked together in a previous company, creating proprietary game engine technology. We learned a lot during that project and specifically saw how hard it is to create great-looking, functional, and accessible User Interfaces (menus, dialogs, widgets) for games. We created Coherent Labs to try addressing those issues and empowering game designers, artists, and developers.
Tell us about the accomplishment that makes you do a happy dance or fist pump in the air. What is your proudest moment to date?
Being a part of the launch titles for the new generation of consoles – Microsoft Xbox X, and Sony PlayStation 5. We were working with those great technology companies for many months before the launch and we are very proud when we could play the games we love, powered by our own technology.
Dare to Scale is here to help with your entrepreneurial journey, but we’re curious about your wildest dreams and aspirations! Do you envision scaling your company to new galaxies, conquering untapped markets, or revolutionizing your industry? Share your boldest dreams and let your imagination soar!
As avid gamers, the biggest accomplishment for us is playing our favorite games, powered by Coherent Labs technologies. We strive to empower every hit game worldwide and open the doors of the game industry for millions of web developers allowing them to build things that no one has been able to build before.