Meet the 2023 Dare to Scale Cohort – Abraxa

Let’s rewind the clock to the beginning. How did your company come to life? Was it a eureka moment, a late-night brainstorming session, or a happy accident?
We were having lunch in Sofia a few years ago and chatting about life, family and work. The topic soon shifted to the number of unread emails on Peter’s phone – 12,000 to be exact. Even more, every time we refreshed the app, the numbers kept increasing.
Peter, having dedicated his whole career to shipping, explained that this is quite common, and especially in bulk shipping – that’s how the industry works. While it is responsible for the movement of 90% of global trade, the maritime industry relies heavily on email for coordination, leading to an unmanageable load of information for everyone involved, lack of transparency and huge inefficiencies. And quite surprisingly for an outsider, the maritime industry lacked a central platform (or platforms) to coordinate and streamline operations
The lunch turned into a long and heated brainstorming session. By the time we got off the table, we knew that shipping will change and we wanted to be part of this change.
This moment of clarity sparked our entrepreneurial spirit and we decided to jump right in. That’s how Abraxa was born and here we are today – building the first end-to-end port-call execution platform, providing better coordination, transparency and efficiencies across all stakeholders.
Tell us about the accomplishment that makes you do a happy dance or fist pump in the air. What is your proudest moment to date?
By far, our biggest accomplishment is gathering the A team. We feel lucky to have found such talented professionals who are passionate about making a difference in a global industry. We are proud and humbled that in our early days (long before product and revenue), they believed in us and our vision.
As a group, we thrive on challenges and every time we solve a complex problem, it fills us with pride and more energy to keep going. While we have had many such moments of conquering technical challenges, it’s not about individual projects or situations; it’s the ethos of our company to embrace challenges and view them as opportunities for growth that we are most proud of.
Dare to Scale is here to help with your entrepreneurial journey, but we’re curious about your wildest dreams and aspirations! Do you envision scaling your company to new galaxies, conquering untapped markets, or revolutionizing your industry? Share your boldest dreams and let your imagination soar!
Looking ahead, we see a future where managing port calls and port services becomes as effortless and transparent as booking common services and becomes a routine part of operations.
Our vision for Abraxa is to be the global go-to platform for port call management – connecting the ecosystem to provide efficiency, transparency and security.
From the outset, we knew that solving global challenges requires operating at a global scale, so scaling has never been a choice for us, but rather the logical next step. As we enter into uncharted territories, we are extremely happy to have found partners who believe in our vision and the potential to transform the industry.