Presenting Dare to Scale 2022 Cohort – Pollenity

What problem does your business solve (how did you start, what was the initial motivation)?
Pollenity solves a key problem for the world – the preservation of the bee population. Pollination of 70% of our food, biodiversity, and the overall food chain depends on them.
We launched in 2015 when the problem of bee extinction was already pressing across the world. Our team decided to develop a solution to stop this negative trend. This is how the idea of BeeBot, the sensor device that monitors key hive health indicators and transmits real-time data to the beekeeper, was born. With this technology, a problem in the colony can be quickly and efficiently indicated and solved.
From the beginning, our company has aimed to create technology and business solutions that help beekeepers care for their bees more efficiently and successfully.
Share with us the thing you are most proud of (what is the company’s most significant success up to date).
First, we are proud that our company has reached customers on 5 continents and has been successfully recognized at prestigious competitions such as The Chivas Venture, CESA awards, Hello Tomorrow, and IEEE.
Secondly, in the last 2 years, we are proud that with our service “Adopt a Hive” we have been able to prove that there can be a successful business model based on fair trade, transparency, and a strong customer experience. With this service, we have managed to change the honey market in Bulgaria completely and become one of the top retailers in a short period of time. All this with just the right business approach and hard work.
What are your expectations from Endeavor, with your participation in the program (briefly share what would be helpful and what would you like to achieve with your participation)?
Our next goal is to replicate the Adopt-a-Hive model in Europe. This goes through increased integration of the technology and commercial business and proper adaptation of the product for European markets. Dare to Scale Growth Program is where we aim to meet people with the right experience, contacts, and expertise to help us make this leap quickly, efficiently, and successfully.