Thank You to Our Dare to Scale Interviewers 2022
We are beyond excited to announce that the selection process for our growth program, Dare to Scale, has officially ended.
We shortlisted all promising companies, from the record number of over 30 initial candidates. The interviews were conducted with the help of representatives from Endeavor’s Board of Directors, mentors, and our partners – Postbank, Software Group, The Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA), and staff members.
The entrepreneurs were invited to pitch their business strategies as well as share their challenges. Our interviewers not only assessed each candidate’s suitability for Dare to Scale but also provided them with feedback and guidance.
We thank all of the interviewers, who partook in the selection process in the last month!
We are thrilled to be announcing the 4th cohort very soon.
Listed below, are all of the Board of Directors, Partners and Network Members who donated their time and expertise during the interviews with the candidates.

Alexander Lefterov
Tiger Technology
CEO & Founder, Endeavor Entrepreneur

Angel Ivanov
Director Business Development, Endeavor Entrepreneur

Atanas Simeonov
Ocean Investments
CEO, Endeavor Board Member

Borislav Stefanov
Freelance Management Consultant
Endeavor Mentor

Conno Christou
Co- founder, Endeavor Entrepreneur

Dimitar Tsotsorkov
Assarel-Medet JSC
Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, Endeavor Board Member

Filip Popov
Head of Small Business Banking Division

George Georgiev
Co-founder, Endeavor Mentor

Georgi Georgiev
CEO, Endeavor Entrepreneur

Ivo Evgeniev
Rosslyn Capital Partners
CEO, Endeavor Board Member

Kalin Radev
Software Group
CEO, Endeavor Board Member

Katerina Avramcheva
Head Mid Corporate Division

Metodi Amov
Business Development Director, Endeavor Mentor

Momchil Ignatov
Head of Medium Corporate Clients Department

Pressian Karakostov
Pub Galaxy
Founder, Endeavor Entrepreneur, Endeavor Board Member

Stefan Gugushev
Gugushev & Partners Law Offices,
Managing Partner, Endeavor Board Members

Tzvetan Naydenovnov
Engagement Manager, Endeavor Mentor

Viktor Bilyanski
Co-founder, Endeavor Mentor

Zornitsa Chugreeva
CEO, Endeavor Entrepreneur