Meet the 2023 Dare to Scale Cohort – MyCFO

Let’s rewind the clock to the beginning. How did your company come to life? Was it a eureka moment, a late-night brainstorming session, or a happy accident?
MyCFO came to life through a process of necessity and innovation, caused by the lack of a comprehensive solution. Fueled by a profound realization and a vision born during a period of rest from the corporate world, driven by a desire to alleviate stress, MyCFO was brought to life.
While accountants and accounting firms were primarily used for tax purposes, day-to-day financial management was still being done manually in spreadsheets, leading to delays and inaccuracies.
This realization sparked the idea for MyCFO – a game-changing tool designed to empower company owners with real-time overviews of their company’s finances. By eliminating the need for double resources with traditional accounting and spreadsheet financial management, MyCFO revolutionizes how businesses approach their financial strategies. Say goodbye to outdated processes, and welcome a new era of streamlined and precise financial management with MyCFO.
Tell us about the accomplishment that makes you do a happy dance or fist pump in the air. What is your proudest moment to date?
At MyCFO, our proudest moment is witnessing the financial stability and growth of our valued clients. Seeing them make financially informed decisions, effectively managing their cash flow, and budgeting for the future using the data we provide fills us with immense joy and motivation. Knowing that our tool has played a small role in their success is incredibly rewarding and keeps us driven to do even more.
Also, you can bet there was plenty of jumping up and down and celebrating in the office when we received the thrilling news of our selection to be part of the fifth cohort of Endeavor Bulgaria’s Dare to Scale program! We are beyond excited to continue this journey and keep celebrating more milestones!
Dare to Scale is here to help with your entrepreneurial journey, but we’re curious about your wildest dreams and aspirations! Do you envision scaling your company to new galaxies, conquering untapped markets, or revolutionizing your industry? Share your boldest dreams and let your imagination soar!
For MyCFO the language barrier presents a significant market opportunity in the CEE countries, and we are determined to seize it. Our technology is designed to understand the intricacies of each country and language, with the ultimate goal of automating the reading, comprehension, and accounting of financial documents. By doing so, we aim to empower the entrepreneurial ecosystem in CEE with a powerful tool for managing their finances like never before.
Our boldest dream is to become the go-to solution for businesses in the region, providing them with real-time financial insights, effortless financial management, and a competitive edge in the global market. We want to be at the forefront of innovation, driving positive change and economic growth in CEE.
The journey ahead may be audacious, but we are passionate about creating a brighter, financially empowered future for businesses across the CEE countries. Together, we will redefine the possibilities and dare to scale to heights we’ve only dreamed of!